
Monday, June 24, 2013

5 years; 2 months

This little guy turned 2 months old this past week.
And this big guy turned 5 years old!
Holy cannoli how does the time fly by so quickly?

Our little Teddy Bear is thriving. He is already up to 14 lbs (that's 2 lbs more than his brother and sister at the same age).
Teddy Bear is such a beautiful, chubby baby. He has big hands and feet, so we already know he'll do great things. He smiles and coos a lot these days and has been crinkling his nose up in the cutest way since birth. As compared to Buddy and especially Jellybean, he is fairly undemanding. That said, he still eats every two hours day and night. He is pretty cuddly, but is starting to want to be held upright rather than being cradled. He seems to really enjoy music. There have been several times where playing music seemed to calm him. He gets especially expressive when I sing to him as well. We still don't know what color his hair is. It was looking pretty red at birth, but now the top looks more blonde.  I must be the luckiest mom in the world since he tends to nap at the same time as his siblings. (thus, I am able to type right now.)
Buddy and Jellybean love their baby brother. He mostly tolerates them and he also enjoys listening to them play and talk around him. They really are good with him. Jellybean is a champion binky retriever and Buddy loves reading to Teddy Bear.
Buddy is a pretty cool 5 year old. He is really excited for Kindergarten this Fall. His current interests include: Super Heroes, Star Wars, Transformers and of course anything alphabet related. He has become obsessed with alphabets that are very different from our own. He loves the Hebrew, Greek, Arabic and Korean alphabets (to name a few). In fact, he can recite and write the entire Greek alphabet. He is also very interested in Morse Code and Braille. We are glad that his new school will have a Spanish immersion program. I think he'll do very well in it, I only wish it started in Kindergarten and not First Grade. His imagination has absolutely exploded since Preschool. He still loves to read, has an excellent sense of humor and loves to tell jokes. When he discovered that most of the words in Jabberwocky were nonsense, he laughed and laughed over how funny that was. (Maybe we should send him straight to college)
Buddy is, for the most part, kind and tolerant of his little sister. In fact, they make great play companions. Buddy has become a bit bossy, but mostly, he really enjoys pretending and being silly with Jellybean. She will miss him in the mornings when he starts school again. Jellybean didn't want to be left out of the photo taking, so here she is wonky sock and all.
I thought I ought to say a word about Buddy's birthday. He requested a cake with the Superman logo. (He likes Superman, but thinks he should call it a "Super Sigma.") He was also very specific about having all of the Greek letters on the cake as well. So, here's what I came up with.  He was thrilled.
He got to celebrate twice with family and enjoyed a trip out to the Planetarium with his cousin.  He loves space as well. That's why we ended up naming our new mini-van "The Eagle."
So proud of my two boys!

Have a Happy Day!


1 comment:

  1. I can't believe he's 2 months old already. And Buddy is FIVE? What an adorable trio you have!
