
Monday, February 4, 2013

Caution: Air Heads Valentine Printable

A little over a week ago, I attended a fantastic conference: Alt SLC. I'm still decompressing from it. I received tons of amazing information, tips and inspiration while I was there. I met a ton of incredibly talented people as well. Now I have a whole lot on my to do list in regards to this blog.

As I was feeling a little overwhelmed, suddenly crafty inspiration struck. One of the awesome sponsors for Alt, Air Heads Candy, is holding a valentine crafting contest. When I first heard about the contest, I had nothing, so I just put it aside. Then on a whim, I decided to look it up again and discovered that none of the current entries contained puns.

Now, I'm of the opinion that a valentine just isn't a valentine if it doesn't contain a pun. So, I submit for your viewing enjoyment, my entry for the AirHeads Craft Your Valentine Contest. (My mother is a master of puns, so I hope my wording will make her proud.)
Isn't it amazing!? If you want to print your own, you can! (It's free after all.) Go to the following link:

Once it has been approved, you can also vote for my valentine. I'd love it if you did. Go to the contest page on Facebook and click on "view entries." Look for my caution sign entry and cast your vote. I'd really appreciate it. You can even vote once every day! Hooray!

Have a Happy Day!