
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Little Announcement

Well, the cat is out of the bag now, so I thought I'd make our little announcement here as well. We'll be welcoming a new addition to our family Spring 2013. Official due date is May 1st, but since I've never been one to make it to the actual due date, I'm predicting the last week of April.

We couldn't be more excited (though perhaps overwhelmed) at the thought of three little ones.  Though, when your first two are as sweet as this:
It's hard not to be excited.

Have a Happy Day!



  1. Congratulations! My three are a handful, but I kind of like the kid chaos around here!

    1. Thanks so much. I guess I'm looking forward to the "kid chaos".

  2. Congratulations!

    I'm expecting my third due in February, so it will be fun to see how being a mom of three goes!

    1. Thanks! Congrats to you, too. I'm wondering how interesting of a transition it will be. I already know that car shopping will be in our future.
