
Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of School Chalkboard

Buddy just started his first day of preschool today!  I'm certain that I'm more anxious about it than he is.  Is it okay for the parent to experience separation anxiety?  He's my first, so unlike most of the parents I meet, I kind of want to keep him home forever. He's pretty much awesome.  Perhaps, after I've experienced life with just one child a few days a week, I'll feel differently. Maybe. And I suppose that the one on one time with Jellybean will be good for both of us.

Here's my amazing preschooler (AHH! I have a preschooler!)
First Day of School, Chalkboard

See that chalkboard in his hands? I got this really simple tip from a friend.  Just pick up a frame and spray paint the glass with chalkboard paint. Now, I'll be able to use this chalkboard every year. How awesome is that?

Here's the step by step:
First Day of School, Chalkboard
1. Get some chalkboard paint and take the glass out of your frame.
2. Spray paint the glass. I gave it several thin coats. After it was dry to the touch, I did a few more thin coats.
3. Let it dry for 24 hours
4. To get it ready for use, rub chalk over the entire surface.
5. Erase.
6. Put it in your frame and you're ready to write.
First Day of School, Chalkboard
I don't have incredible art skills, maybe they'll improve over the years.
Have a Happy Day!


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  1. Fun! I can't believe he's going to Preschool. What a big kid!

  2. Oh, so cute!! Our first day (besides orientation with parents) is Tuesday! I know I'll miss her but I'm looking forward to some down time. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!
