
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Chain Letters

It's amazing having a child who is obsessed with the ABCs. That kid will make the alphabet out of anything and everything if given a chance. One of Buddy's new favorite activities is stealing one of my necklaces and creating letters out of it.  I have to admit, it's so fun using a simple necklace and watching how the letters can morph into one another.
Today we had fun doing the entire alphabet together. D put together a montage of our efforts.

ChainLetters from A Happy Song on Vimeo.

Have a Happy Day!



  1. neat montage. i suspect an author in the making. but even if not wonderful to see a love of language.

  2. Love it. Following you from Capri+3 Link Party. Hope you can drop by and follow back!
    Be Blessed.

    Julie from Hey Mommy, Chocolate Milk (

  3. That is a fun idea. And your necklace is no worse for the wear. The letters look great. Thanks for sharing on Artsy Play Wednesday on Capri + 3.

    : 0 ) Theresa

  4. Oh, how fun!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!
