
Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Boy Turns Four

So, let's review: 

Here is what Buddy looked like at 1 month old:
and here is what he looks like now:
Pretty incredible, right? It always amazes me to look back at those first photos and to see how much a person can change in such a short span of time.

A little about Buddy at four years of age:
-He loves, loves letters and reading. It's an on going love affair that shows no sign of slowing down. He reads for at least an hour before naps and before bed time. He has a growing collection of alphabet posters on his wall. The books he likes to keep in the bed are threatening to take over the bed altogether.
-He loves super heroes. He wants to be a super hero. His little sister is getting tired of being put in jail.
-This year, after a lot of tears, Buddy became a really big kid. He's busting with pride over his new set of Batman underwear. The new set is slated to beat out the old set of Star Wars underwear.
-This kid is a sliding machine.  After two years of major trepidation when it came to slides, he has conquered his fear and now Loves a good slide. 
-He is starting preschool this Fall.  We are all very excited.

Happy Birthday, sweet boy!

Have a Happy Day!


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