
Thursday, July 29, 2010

4 Months Old

Jellybean turned 4 months old on Sunday. On Tuesday we went in to the pediatrician for her 4 month well-child visit.

She was 13 lbs (37%) and 25"long (77%).

What is it with these tall and skinny children?
She is healthy in all respects and is just now emerging as a sweet, smiley, occasionally mellow baby girl. Her sleep pattern isn't really working for us, but hopefully we'll get that figured out soon.
I didn't actually do a 3 month post, so if you want to see what she looked like then, here you go!

Wasn't she cute a whole month ago?

Jellybean having a conversation with Buddy. It doesn't look like it went too well.
In the last two months Jellybean did the following:
-She found her feet and is really loving chewing on her hands.
-Started the beginning of teething (really grabbing and chewing on things)
-Is now interested in anything Mama has in her hands
-Rolled over from her back to her stomach (just last week!)
-Has learned that her voice is very good for complaining, as I discovered after she received her shots today.
-Survived a pretty nasty cold
-Got really good at sitting in her Bumbo. Her head is getting steadier and steadier.
-Stopped waking up at 5AM crying because of a stuffy nose (I swear she had been doing this practically since birth)

She enjoys:
-Being sung to (She especially likes: "I love you a bushel and a peck", "Here's a ball for baby", "Horsey, Horsey", "Ladies go Nim" and "I can sing a rainbow."
-Watching Buddy (She thinks he is the bees knees)
-Being read to (provided that the book has very colorful pictures)
-Sitting on the porch swing with Mama
-Being outside
-Standing or sitting (laying down is often unacceptable)
-Her rag dolls (I've never seen a 4 month old so interested in a doll)
-Her sleepy owl (so much so that I finally ordered another just so I can get our current one in the wash).
-"Mama's Face, Baby's Face" (a game I got from my sister that she absolutely loves)

Jellybean has such a sweet smile and laugh. She is becoming a real pleasure to be around. I'm finally feeling really good about our decision to keep her. ;)

Here's a couple more cute photos for the road:

In her patriotic attire

Just being Jellybean


  1. I hope you saw the comments I left on the photoshoot pictures! I think she looks a lot like Robbie. I can't wait to meet her and convince her that I'm her favorite aunt. You know, Auntie Em who lives out in Kansas.

  2. I see a lot of you in her! She's a cutie.

  3. Ashlyn said: I like Josie. My friend julia thinks she is cute. I think her red hair is amzing. :)
